How to Choose the Right Skincare Products

In this "follow the crowd" era, it can be quite hard to figure out what is best for you. Beauty bloggers and social media influencers might advertise their favorite products as the superheroes that saved their skin, but it doesn't always work the same for everyone.

Yes, even the most popular and expensive brands with fancy packaging might not help your skin if they aren't compatible with your skin type or if they target the wrong problems. You could be someone with a dry skin type using a product for oily skin, which could just worsen the condition. 

You need to adopt an individualized approach in order to choose the proper skincare products for your own situation. It is a tedious process and will take some time, but in the end, it will be worth it. If you are looking to buy high quality skincare products which will serve you right in the long run, continue reading.

Determine your skin type 

Here's a quick and easy test you can try to discover your skin type.

In the morning, wash your face thoroughly with a mild cleanser and tap dry with a towel. Leave your skin alone without applying any products (even moisturizer!) for an hour or two. Then take a dry tissue paper, press it evenly across your whole face, and have a look at it.

You should see one of the following results:

  1. Oily skin - If your tissue looks smudged or stained with oil, you have an oily skin type. You can also use a finger to see if your skin feels a little greasy. 
  2. Dry skin - If rubbing the dry tissue feels a little uncomfortable or harsh, you probably have dry skin. If it is too dry, you might even see some flakiness on the tissue and your face. 
  3. Combination skin - If your nose, chin, and forehead look and feel greasy, you might have combination skin. People with this skin type tend to secrete oil or sebum only in the T-zone (nose, forehead, and chin region) while the rest of their face remains dry. The tissue will look stained only when rubbed on the T-zone.
  4. Normal skin - If the tissue looks the same as when you first picked it up, then you have normal skin. This type of skin is the least problematic, and it can deal with a wider range of skincare products. 

Choose products that specifically mention which skin type they are suitable for.

Woman Applying Moisturizer

Read the ingredients list

Are you aware of the long list of ingredients on the back of every skincare product package? Unless you are a chemistry major or a science enthusiast, this part may be super tedious to read. However, we suggest you read it anyway! You should be aware of what goes into your product and how it works for your skin.

Below are some pointers you can use when deciphering the ingredients.

  • Glycerine, ceramides, and hyaluronic acids are great moisturizing agents.
  • Vitamin C, specifically the L-ascorbic form, can protect skin from sun damage and stimulate the production of collagen.
  • Tocopherol or Vitamin E also has sun protection properties and works best when combined with Vitamin C.
  • Niacinamide or Vitamin B3 supports the skin barrier and tightens up pores. 
  • Fragrances should be avoided as they may cause skin irritations or allergic reactions.
  • Avoid sulfates as they are detergents, and they can be pretty harsh on the skin.
  • Parabens are originally used as a preservative in skincare products. But it should be avoided as it can cause hormonal imbalance and other problems in the body.
  • Formaldehydes should also be strictly avoided as it has been classified as a carcinogen.

Do your research on the product's active ingredients

Before you buy a product, pay attention to the order in which the ingredients are listed. Most of the time, the first five to six ingredients are present in larger concentrations. The ingredients closer to the end of the list are present in very small amounts.

For example, if you're looking for a product rich in Vitamin C, but the ingredient has been listed near the end, you will receive little to no benefit from the product for that purpose. 

If some ingredients are unfamiliar, don't hesitate to search it up or ask your dermatologist for advice.

Now that you know a little more about skincare and everything that goes into it, you can be a more confident consumer. Here at Pink Is In, we offer a variety of quality skin care products for all different skin types. Shop for your favorites now!

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Choosing the Right Skincare Products Choosing the Right Skincare Products

Written by Chelsea Muller

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