Makeup Tips for your Wedding Day

Your wedding day is one of the most special days, and of those that you are going to keep a better memory. For this reason, you must look as perfect as possible, taking into account from the headdress, to the makeup, passing through the shoes.

After so many years as your own makeup artist, you have got a good idea of what you enjoy and what works best for you. But for your wedding day, you may want to try a new look that complements your bridal style, and if that's the case, where do you start?

The day of your wedding arrives and everything is ready. However, there is something you should pay attention to a couple of hours before arriving at the altar, sheathed in your beautiful dress: bridal makeup.

Obviously, you will be a little tired of everything that your wedding requires in terms of organization and preparation of details and you do not know how to wear makeup for that day.

Many brides make the wrong choice for their makeup, taking what they find on social media or the style worn by many celebrities as a reference. That is why we will give you the keys so that your bridal makeup looks very natural, beautiful, without losing that classic and elegant touch for an occasion like this, your wedding.

Bridal makeup: Golden rules to consider

In bridal makeup, it is very important to apply three concepts or better, 'golden rules' to get the final look right. Keep in mind that for this moment, if you are not an expert in beauty, the best recommendation is that you put yourself in the hands of professionals who advise you.

• Makeup that enhances the beauty of the bride: A bride has to look natural and beautiful on her day. No drastic changes in makeup that make you look like a different person or 'disguised'; on the contrary, makeup should enhance the most beautiful features of your face, illuminate your skin, highlight your gaze and make it more intense and interesting, all within a natural and very fresh concept.

• Strong and long-lasting makeup: Go to a beauty professional so that with his team he can offer you a bridal makeup, as well as beautiful, long-lasting. You do not want that with the heat or the nerves, it suffers changes!

Technology today has allowed the development of products that are resistant to external factors such as sweat and water, which will undoubtedly make your makeup more stable and therefore resistant. One option is waterproof makeup, which, unlike water resistant, is more resistant to water and sweat.

• Makeup that reflects the personality of the bride: If you are a classic bride, the ideal is for this to be reflected in your bridal look and of course in your makeup, which in this case would be very soft, such as blushed cheeks and shadows in neutral tones. The same if your style is more avant-garde, you could then bet on more defined eyelashes or more intense eyeliner.

Why this advice? Because it is important that for your marriage you manage to transmit your personality and essence, that everything be harmony both on the outside and inside.

How to get the perfect bridal makeup?

After the preamble with the 3 golden rules in bridal makeup, here are the tips to keep in mind to look perfect, recognizing the shape of your face and the tone of your skin.

With professional guide, you will know the best approach highlight your features, enhance your natural beauty and most importantly, reflect your personality and character.

1. Analyze your face type

The most appropriate makeup for your wedding day depends a lot on this. Discover, below, which is the makeup that best suits the shape of your face.

• Oval shape: The oval face is considered the perfect face as this type looks good on any makeup. You can dare with different trends. Highlight your natural beauty, illuminate the cheekbones and the nose, forehead and chin area. For the lips you can choose any shade.

• If your face is triangular, with a wide forehead and jawline and a pointed chin, you should soften those strong features and play with shadows and light in equal parts. Apply darker makeup to the widest part and use highlighter for the rest. When applying lipstick, do it with upward strokes as this will help soften your face.

• If your face is square, you will be characterized by having a fairly wide jawline and forehead. The objective is to refine the face and soften the most pronounced areas. The eyes will be marked with an illuminator and you will be able to apply powders with more intense shades in the areas to be highlighted.

• If you have a long face, you will have a very thin chin. You must provide visual width to your face, for this use two-tone base tones. In case of lipstick, the best way is to apply horizontally. Highlight your eye and lip makeup as they will lighten the length of your face.

2. Identify the condition and tone of your skin

It is very important that you are clear that the foundations, powders, shadows and blush that your beauty consultant will apply during your makeup session must be in accordance with the tone of your skin.

• In white or pale skin, soft and pastel colors are chosen, discarding dark ones, since the idea is that you look natural and not overloaded or disguised.

• In brown or tanned skin, you can take risks with more daring tones – but in moderation – without losing freshness and harmony with your entire bridal outfit.

• In neutral skins you can choose the colors that you like the most, that is, maintaining a balance in general with each aspect of your face. You can wear almost any color, and you can combine warm and cool tones if you and your advisor agree.

3. Moisturize the skin before applying makeup

As we told you, you will be a little tired from everything prior to the wedding, however we know that you are intoxicated with happiness because the big day has arrived.

It is advisable that your skin is perfectly hydrated, to ensure fresher and lusher look. This will make it easier to apply a foundation of the same skin tone evenly and blend with your skin.

It is recommended that 2 or 3 weeks before, you do a facial hydration session in guaranteed centers with aesthetic services that leave your skin renewed. Likewise, use creams and products that nourish your skin, in addition to cleaning it of impurities and making it look radiant.

Bridal makeup tips you should always remember

1. Highlight the look (eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows)

The eyes, along with the eyelashes and eyebrows, are parts that undoubtedly take on a leading role in bridal makeup. It is vital to find the perfect balance between the shadows and the eyeliner, avoiding looking overloaded, for which we recommend soft tones – such as Mediterranean, pastel or even golden – or if you apply more color, that they are faded.

In case you motive is to impress with your eyes, you shouldn’t out smokey eyes or smoky makeup, which with well-outlined eyebrows will give you that 'Hollywood style' on trend.

Extra tip: To bring warmth to your eyes, both for white and brown skin, you can use neutral, copper, gold and matte bronzing powders on the eyelids so that during the photo session, your eyes have expressiveness.

2. Give prominence to the lips

Regarding the lips, the tones that best define the moment, romantic, are the soft and matte ones. Light or burnt pink, coral, brown or violet, they work very well, as they add naturalness and elegance to all your makeup. Strong tones like cherry red or fuchsia unnecessarily overload your look. Avoid them.

3. The make-up tests

Every day we find new styles, products and beauty treatments. And for your wedding day you can't risk trying out 'the latest' in makeup, especially since we're talking about such an important part as the face, which you shouldn't expose to any product.

Beauty experts for brides recommend doing one or more makeup and hairstyle tests days before the wedding; in this way you will be able to know the products that will best favor your skin, in addition to protecting it and making you look beautiful and comfortable with the bridal look.

You can check our makeup products from our store, or plan your upcoming wedding with us at Pink Is In Salon, and have the most amazing experience!

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